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Bolton’s book says Trump opposed continuing US military presence – Afghanistan

The US President Donald Trump was opposed to continuing military presence in Afghanistan, the US former National Security Adviser John Bolton wrote in his book.
Bolton highlighted Trump’s commitment to his campaign promises and mismanagement of economic and security aid as reasons for his opposition.
The book What Happened in the Room, written by John Bolten, a former White House security adviser, has caused a stir in the United States and a number of other countries. In two chapters of a total of fourteen pages, the book deals with events in Afghanistan, including narrations of the White House through Trump and other high-ranking officials, including the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and Special Representative for Afghanistan.
“Trump opposed a continuing US military presence in Afghanistan for two related reasons: first, he had campaigned to“end the endless wars” in faraway places; and second, the sustained mishandling of economic and security assistance, inflaming his instinct against so much frivolous spending in federal programs,” wrote Bolton.
In another part of the book, Mr. Bolton writes that on November 8 this year, the White House met with Trump, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the National Security Adviser, the CIA Director, and the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
“We’re being beaten, and they know they’re beating us,” wrote Bolton quoting Trump. “Then he was off, raging against the statutorily mandated Afghanistan Inspector General, whose reports repeatedly documented wasted tax dollars but also provided amazingly accurate information about the war that any other government would have kept private.
Trump said, “I think he’s right, but I think it’s a disgrace he can make such things public.”
US President Donald Trump announced the release of his dissertation with the publication of this book but failed to prevent its publication.