
Biden says ‘needless death and destruction’ if Russia invades Ukraine



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US President Joe Biden says the United States is willing to give “diplomacy every chance to succeed’ in resolving the Ukraine crisis with Russia, but he says there are now more than 150,000 Russian troops encircling Ukraine and Belarus and he warns, “invasion remains distinctly possible.” 

Speaking in the White House East Room, Biden said the US has “not yet verified” Russia’s claim that some of its forces have withdrawn from the Ukraine border and said an invasion of Ukraine remains a distinct possibility, Reuters reported. 

“The Russian defense minister reported today that some military units are leaving their positions near Ukraine. That would be good, but we have not yet verified that,” Biden said. 

“Indeed, our analysts indicate that they remain very much in a threatening position,” he added. 

Biden also reiterated his call to Americans in Ukraine to “leave now before it’s too late to leave safely.” Biden also appealed directly to Russian citizens. 

“United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia, Ukraine is not threatening Russia. Neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We do not, do not have plans to put them there, as well. We’re not targeting the people of Russia,” Biden said. 

The president made the remarks hours after Russia announced that some units participating in military exercises near Ukraine’s borders would begin returning to their bases.


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