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Bayat Foundation donates 5,000 liters of diesel to Kabul Ambulance Services



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As the economic crisis continues to grip Afghanistan, Bayat Foundation and Afghan Wireless Company (AWCC) on Thursday provided welcome relief to Kabul Ambulance Services in the form of a donation of 5,000 liters of diesel.

Bayat Foundation officials said they chose to donate the fuel in order to keep Kabul ambulances on the road. This comes after Kabul’s ambulance services ground to a halt a few days ago.

“The Bayat Foundation and the Afghan Wireless Company have provided a quantity of diesel fuel that will be given to them (Kabul ambulance) to use for ambulances,” said Haji Mohammad Ismail, Deputy Chairman of the Bayat Foundation.

Meanwhile, officials from Kabul Ambulance Services welcomed the move and said it was critical for them to keep their ambulances on the road.

“We thank the Bayat Foundation for donating 5,000 liters of fuel at such a critical time, and their donations are invaluable, and we hope other institutions will do the same because Kabul Ambulance is a pre-hospital facility that deals entirely with the sick and injured people,” said an official from Kabul Ambulance Services.

This comes after the capital’s ambulance service came to a sudden halt a few days ago due to a serious shortage of fuel, and exorbitant fuel prices for the limited supply available.

This latest move comes amid ongoing efforts by Bayat Foundation to help Afghans survive the crisis gripping the country. In another campaign, the foundation this week provided hundreds of food parcels to destitute Afghans in Kunduz province.

So far, over the past two months, the foundation has distributed thousands of food parcels to numerous provinces around the country.

Foundation officials said Wednesday that food parcels handed out to Kunduz residents included flour, cooking oil, and rice.


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