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Bayat Foundation distributes winter aid in PD6 of Kabul



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Bayat Foundation continued to distribute much-needed winter aid to desperate families – this time to those in PD6 in the western part of Kabul.

Hundreds of families were given food packages that included flour, rice and oil.

Haji Mohammad Ismail, deputy head of Bayat Foundation, said that these donations will continue in other provinces until the end of winter.

“Every year, Bayat Foundation has its winter aid program and has helped during earthquakes and floods those in need,” said Haji Mohammad Ismail.

“This year, fortunately, we started our winter aid program from the center, Inshallah we will distribute it to other provinces as well. Today, we came to the west of Kabul and distributed flour, oil and rice to a number of deserving people,” he said.

The needy who have benefited from this aid are happy and want this process to be continued for them in the future.

Meanwhile, a number of needy people are still asking other aid organizations to help them in this difficult situation, like the Bayad Foundation.

“We have many problems and we need to be helped,” said a recipient said.

“We ask other businessmen to provide us with this help, it is winter and people are unemployed,” another recipient said.

Since its establishment, Bayat Foundation has played an important role in the reconstruction of a number of government institutions, especially the health sector, in addition to helping the needy.

Foundation officials said they hope to be able to continue distributing aid to desperate families in Kabul and around the country through winter.

Bayat Foundation launched its annual program on Wednesday in western Kabul, where dozens of needy families received the same food parcels.

This aid is critical to countless Afghan families who are not only dealing with a crippled economy and severe hunger but also with an abnormally cold winter – which, according to Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) officials, has claimed the lives of over 70 people in the past two weeks.


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