
Balkh factory owners concerned about ongoing economic crisis



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Balkh Chamber of Industries and Mine said that 90 percent of factories in the province are under extreme financial duress due to the economic crisis gripping Afghanistan.

According to officials, their problems stem from limited access to funds in bank accounts and to the limited support provided by the authorities.

Officials urged the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to support domestic manufacturers and said if they did, export volumes would increase.

One member of the chamber said however that they were optimistic about the future.

“Factories are restarting their activities day by day. It has increased now. We are optimistic about the future. As you know factories produce employment opportunities… (factories) will impact the economy,” said Sayed Ismail Hussaini, a member of the Balkh chamber.

Some local businessmen said that they have been struggling since the takeover by the IEA in August.

“We export to European countries and to Russia. Now 80 percent of our work faced problems,” Sayed Hamidullah, head of a factory in Balkh.

Balkh women, employed in local factories, meanwhile called on the IEA to provide more job opportunities for women.

“The weather is cold, we face many problems, all should keep in mind the situation of women,” said Zaiba, one female factory worker.

“Big factories in Balkh should be reopened, because people face problems, unemployment has increased,” said Gull Chaman another woman.

“We call on the government to reopen factories in Balkh,” said Fatima.


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