
Azerbaijan signs MoU of social services with Kabul



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Officials in Ministry of Finance have reported that the memorandum of understanding on social services was signed in between the Finance Ministry of Afghanistan and Azerbaijan for improving of the Governmental services in Kabul on Tuesday.

The following package will provide the following services, driving license, investing and trade, paying electricity bills, birth certificate, recording of marriage certificates, divorcing certificates, and insurance for the Afghan Nation.

Minister of Finance Iklil Hakimi said,” it was suggested that the working scope of Afghanistan should be expanded with International allies, Azerbaijan Nation is great people, we are trying to establish a center of services for the Nation it will help Afghans to be benefited and as well as it will avoid any corruption cases.”

Mr. Hakimi said,” dozens of Governmental departments will be benefited from the following services, and soon it will be expanded within the other Governmental departments.”

Head of the Independent social services of Azerbaijan Anham Karimov said,” We are ready to help and assist Afghanistan on providing good Governance services, we need to say that transparency is the principle, I repeat all the working activities should computerized in Governmental departments, it will avoid corruption, and the staffs will also realize that they are responsible and working for a Nation.”

Earlier Afghan Government had established a center of justice- judicial to combat corruption in Afghanistan.

Reported by Ali Asghari



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