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Authorities destroy 100 tons of expired, low-quality food items in Kabul



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A total of 100 tonnes of expired and low-quality food items were set on fire in Kabul on Monday, Afghanistan Food and Drug Authority said.

The items were seized from different parts of the city.

“We call on all businessmen in the country to first obtain a license from the National Food and Drug Authority and then familiarize themselves with the principles and regulations of the authority. They should try to consider the issue of health in their work,” Abed Ehsaas, head of the supervision of licenses at Afghanistan Food and Drug Authority, said.

AFDA officials said the authority seeks to set up laboratories in the country’s ports to prevent the entry of low-quality goods into the country.

“In order for quality food products to enter the country and be available to our compatriots, we are trying to establish quality control laboratories by the end of 1402 in the eight customs provinces through which most of the food items enter the country,” Javed Hajir, AFDA’s spokesperson, said.


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