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Atmar calls on Muslim scholars to condemn “unjustified” violence in Afghanistan



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Haneef Atmar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, has called on the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to step up their support for the Afghan peace process.

Addressing the 47th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Niamey, the capital of Niger, Atmar urge the Ulema across Muslim countries to condemn the “unjustified” violence in Afghanistan

“We urge you all to join hands and support the Afghanistan peace process and to encourage Ulema across the OIC member states in condemnation of the violence in Afghanistan and support of the peace process,” he said.

Meanwhile, Atmar raised his concerns over the spike of violence across the country. He stated that the Afghan people “today continue to experience violence at the hands of our terrorist enemies on a daily basis.”

He pointed out that attacks on civilians have been increased – both in frequency and in the savagery of violence – in recent months.

“In Kabul alone, we have witnessed levels of depravity and attacks on civilian targets that are totally unprecedented from a killing spree in a maternity hospital to a suicide bomb inside a classroom full of young students in a private education facility, to a large-scale attack on Kabul University.”

“Targeted assassination of our moderate Ulema, human rights activists and journalists have added to the frenzy of violence,” Atmar highlighted.
Atmar also called on the OIC states to push the Taliban for peace and end the conflict in Afghanistan.

“We call on the OIC and its member states that have influenced in the Afghan peace process to continue to urge Taliban to pursue peace and an end into the conflict with greater urgency and sensitivity,” Atmar noted.


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