
Afghanistan Cotton Production Shows up to 21% Increase



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Afghanistan’s cotton industry saw an upward rise of 21% this year due to continuous seasonal precipitation, sources in the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock say.

Besides saffron, cotton is considerable produce in Afghanistan. Balkh, Kunduz, Nangarhar, Helmand, and Baghlan provinces have been marked as the main sources of Cotton Production. According to the ministry, the production has increased from 57,450 tons to 73,119 tons on a one year scale.

“The main factors in the increment of cotton production are adequate precipitation supplemented with counseling and technical aid provided by the ministry,” says the ministry’s spokesperson, Akbar Rustami.

In the current year, the ministry of agriculture exhibited 206 prototypical farms in Herat, Kunduz, Badghis, and other provinces to raise awareness and promote new ways in the matter.

Experts underline that Afghanistan’s high-quality cotton holds a good niche in the global market. They call on the government to help expand industrial opportunities for cotton production.



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