ACCI: Afghanistan export volume tops $1billion

Afghanistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) said on Tuesday that domestic products worth more than $1billion have been exported in the current solar year.
ACCI officials said exports include pine nuts, grapes, figs, carpets and medicinal plants.
According to them, most of the products and produce were exported to Pakistan and India.
“The volume of our exports reached $1.1 billion in the current [solar] year. The export volume will increase if investments are made in the country,” said Khan Jan Alokozay, an ACCI member.
Businessmen meanwhile said that if the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) supports them, the total export volume and import volume will be the same.
“If we want to turn Afghanistan around, from an importer to an exporter, we need government support and facilitations,” said Baz Mohammad Ghairat, a member of the private sector.
Economists meanwhile said they doubted that $1 billion worth of goods had been exported so far this year (from April).
“We have the capacity to export. We can be self-sufficient if we work. I do not believe that we have had so much exports ($1billion),” said Taj Mohammad Talish, an economic analyst.