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Abdullah: We can’t trust Pakistan mediation unless it stop supporting terrorists



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ABDULLAH CLIP _26_10_2015_DARI_CLIP.avi_snapshot_00.24_[2015.10.26_12.47.30]

If Pakistan can’t fight insurgency, we can’t trust that they won’t support insurgents, Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Dr. Abdullah Abdullah said on Monday while speaking at the Council of Ministers.

“It is impossible to trust over [Pakistan] because they support and equip Taliban and at the same time we can’t trust they would mediate honestly. Stopping supports to the Taliban group can be a prove for their sincerity for negotiations,” Abdullah said.

Recently, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said that Pakistan cannot bring Taliban to peace talks “and be asked to kill them at the same time”.

Afghans believe Pakistan PM was speaking on behalf of Taliban during his visit from the Washington where he said his government is willing to assist to revive stalled peace talks between the Afghan government and Taliban as he believes the group cannot be defeated through military operations.

Afghan leader believe that Afghanistan is suffering from the interference of foreign countries and no country will benefit from a destabilized Afghanistan.

“Afghans want peace and we strived sincerely to achieve this goal, but we could not achieve any result because we did not receive the same sincerity,” Abdullah added.

Abdullah once again asked Pakistan “to fight insurgency without any exceptions” because terrorists support nobody but, their own ultimate goals that harm the entire world.

Afghan government has always accused Pakistan for supporting Taliban and other insurgent groups who perform terror attacks against Afghanistan and Afghan military findings also reveals that Islamabad is only targeting the groups which poses any threat to the Pakistan.

Reported by: Fawad Naseri


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