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IEA delegation meet envoys from regional countries on sidelines of Doha meeting

During the meetings, ways to enhance stability and peace in Afghanistan and support the aspirations of the Afghan people for a decent life were discussed, and the importance of the Doha process to achieve the desired progress was emphasized.



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Zabiullah Mujahid, spokesman for Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan said in a series of posts on X that he had constructive meetings with special envoys of regional countries and discussed mutual relations and how to further strengthen ties.

Mujahid said he had a constructive meeting with the special representative of Pakistan Asif Durrani and Pakistan’s ambassador and diplomats to Doha.

“We thank them for their hospitality and hope for good and constructive relations for both countries,” Mujahid said.

Earlier, Mujahid said a quadrilateral meeting between Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Qatar was held in Doha on Monday.

In this meeting, the Trans Afghanistan Railway Project, from Uzbekistan to Pakistan, was discussed.

All parties requested the early start and completion of this project, Mujahid said.

He also stated that he had met with Iranian special envoy Hassan Kazemi Qomi.

This meeting went well, said Mujahid, and that discussions had cenetered around the strengthening of ties and the overall importance of regional connectivity and cooperation.

The special envoy of Qatar’s minister of foreign affairs, Faisal bin Abdullah Al Hanzab meanwhile met separately with Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Roza Otunbayeva;  Special Representative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan, Esmatullah Erkashev; and Special Envoy of Switzerland for Afghanistan Albert Grof.

During the meetings, ways to enhance stability and peace in Afghanistan and support the aspirations of the Afghan people for a decent life were discussed, and the importance of the Doha process to achieve the desired progress was emphasized.

Russian ambassador at the UN Vasily Nebenzya meanwhile said: “Taliban [IEA] is de facto authorities on Afghanistan, and we’ve been saying consistently that you have to recognize this fact and deal with them as such. Because whether you like it or not, but this movement is running the country now. And you cannot simply ignore that.”

Asked about how far Russia is from removing IEA from the sanctions list, ambassador Nebenzya said: “I cannot tell you a definite answer. But I heard some talks about it. But generally speaking, it is good that Taliban [IEA] was finally invited to Doha this time.”


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Tajikistan urges actions for China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan transport corridor’s development

During the meeting, the sides expressed satisfaction with the continued cooperation within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.



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Tajikistan has proposed taking practical measures for the construction of road and rail routes along the “China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan” corridor.

The call was made by Tajik President Emomali Rahmon at a press conference following a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tajikistan, Trend news agency reported.

“The construction and reconstruction of the “Kalai-Khumb – Vanch – Rushon district border” road will contribute to the improvement of the “China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Türkiye” transit corridor. In this regard, we suggested considering the possibility of constructing and modernizing the “Dushanbe-Kulma” highway section from the Rushon district to the “Kulma-Karasu” border crossing. We also propose taking practical measures for the construction of road and rail routes along the “China-Tajikistan-Afghanistan” corridor to expand connections and regional trade,” Rahmon said.

During the meeting, the sides expressed satisfaction with the continued cooperation within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

Notably, after Xi Jinping’s visit to Tajikistan, the two countries sealed the deal with 29 important documents, ironing out their relations in different areas.


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IEA changes mines minister, central bank chief

DAB’s Deputy Governor Noor Ahmad Agha has been promoted to the top post in the bank.



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The supreme leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has removed Shahabuddn Delawar from the post of acting minister of mines and petroleum and replaced him with acting governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) Hedayatullah Badri.

The appointment was announced Saturday on X by IEA’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

Delawar has been moved to the post of acting head of Afghan Red Crescent Society, replacing Matiulhaq Khalis who will now act as the head of National Environmental Protection Agency.

DAB’s Deputy Governor Noor Ahmad Agha has been promoted to the top post in the bank.

The newly announced appointments included also Nooruddin Turabi, former deputy chief of Afghan Red Crescent Society, as the new acting head of National Disaster Management Authority.

Former deputy minister of industry and commerce, Qudratullah Jamal, has been appointed as the new deputy minister of information and culture for financial and administrative affairs.

Ahmadullah Zahid, former acting director of counter corruption of intelligence agency, has been appointed as the new deputy minister of commerce and industry.

Aziz-ur-Rahman, former acting head of National Environmental Protection Agency, has been appointed as deputy head of Afghan Red Crescent Society.

Saduddin Saeed, former deputy minister of information and culture for financial and administrative affairs, has been appointed as deputy head of National Environmental Protection Agency for financial and administrative affairs.

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Our trip to Uzbekistan was different this time, says Azizi after returning home



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Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce Nooruddin Azizi after returning from Uzbekistan on Saturday said that his trip to Tashkent was different and that the trust of neighboring countries, especially Central Asian nations in Afghanistan’s economy has increased.

“We had previous trips to Uzbekistan, but in reality, this time was different. The difference was that neighboring countries, especially Central Asian countries, now have more faith in Afghanistan’s production, economy and trade,” said Azizi.

Azizi, who led a delegation, left Kabul four days ago to participate in a joint international expo of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.


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