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Commerce ministry steps up efforts to grow export market



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The Ministry of Commerce and Industry says that they have increased marketing efforts for domestic products to be sold on global markets.

Officials said markets of Central Asia and Russia are viable markets for Afghan goods and that they are trying to hold expos in these countries.

They also said that large expos of Afghan products will be held in Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan in the near future. Nooruddin Azizi, the acting minister of commerce and industry, said his ministry has increased marketing efforts in order to supply foreign markets with domestic products. He said Central Asia and Russia have proved to be stable markets for local goods.

Meanwhile, the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) said there is no doubt that the markets of Central Asia and Russia are among the best markets for exported goods, but that the Islamic Emirate should pave the way for more exports and for technical issues to be resolved.

Economic experts believe that the marketing of Afghan products in global markets is one of the most important responsibilities of the relevant institutions in the government so that Afghanistan’s trade with other countries can flourish.

Afghanistan currently has good trade relations with Central Asian countries, and if these relations expand, more goods will be exported from Afghanistan, experts have said.


Uzbek investors keen to invest in coal mining in Afghanistan

The ministry officials said that these investors intend to export coal from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan.



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The Ministry of Mines and Petroleum (MoMP) says Uzbekistan investors are interested in investing in coal mining in Afghanistan.

The ministry officials said that these investors intend to export coal from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan.

They added that the talks with Uzbekistan are ongoing and progress has been made in this field in the early stages.

However, they have stated that they have not yet reached the point of agreement.

Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) officials also stated that there are capacities in the area of economic activities and development of joint investment with Uzbekistan and all Central Asian countries.

According to them, practical use of these capacities should be started.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum added that the Islamic Emirate has stopped the illegal mining of coal, and mining is carried out legally all over the country based on the permit of large companies.

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Installation of scanners at Afghanistan’s land ports essential, says Azizi

In conclusion, the ministry stated that the financing mechanism and the method of spending of the private sector support fund have been finalized.



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The Ministry of Commerce and Industry says the acting minister has ordered the installation of scanners at the country’s border crossings that deal with imports and exports.

According to a newsletter published by the ministry, the issue was discussed at the first meeting of the leadership committee of the private sector support fund.

Nooruddin Azizi, the acting minister of commerce and industry, said at the meeting that the scanners need to be purchased and installed at land ports to facilitate the import and export of goods.

In this meeting, there was a discussion about the financing mechanism and ways to spend the private sector support fund. Issues around collecting customs fees for imports and exports were also discussed as was the need to open a bank account for the fund.

A decision was also taken to introduce permanent members of the support fund to the leadership committee.

In conclusion, the ministry stated that the financing mechanism and the method of spending of the private sector support fund have been finalized.




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IEA leader approves law on industrial parks

Azizi asked the United Nations to consider fundamental works and investment in large and incomplete projects in Afghanistan and to solve Afghanistan’s banking problems with the international community.



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Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce Nooruddin Azizi on Monday announced that a law pertaining to industrial parks has been ratified by the Islamic Emirate’s supreme leader and the process of distributing land to the private sector will begin soon.

“This is good news for the private sector,” Azizi said, speaking at an event in Kabul to discuss the private sector’s challenges and opportunities. “Allah willing, land distribution will start in the future. About 600 applicants want to establish factories in different zones.”

Azizi asked the United Nations to consider fundamental works and investment in large and incomplete projects in Afghanistan and to solve Afghanistan’s banking problems with the international community.

He said that humanitarian aid is not the solution to Afghanistan’s problems.

“It is not support that we gather here, take pictures and send it to the international community. We have to provide fundamental support,” Azizi said.

Indrika Ratwatte, Deputy Special Representative in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said that Afghanistan should move towards self-sufficiency and stand on its own feet.

He said that the private sector plays a crucial role in this regard.

The representatives of the private sector also emphasized the importance of investment on large and infrastructure projects by the United Nations in Afghanistan. They asked the United Nations to address the country’s banking problems.

“Our banking problems should be addressed. Regarding money transfers, $100,000 is transferred at a cost of $200 in neighboring countries, but it costs $2,000 in Afghanistan. We also need full cooperation in the area of small loans,” said Yunus Momand, the deputy of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment.

The officials of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce also announced at the event that they have distributed licenses to around 1,000 private companies.


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