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UNFPA: The world should not lose focus on Afghanistan



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Pio Smith, the regional director for Asia and the Pacific for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) wrapped up a five-day visit to the country this week and urged the international community not to lose focus on Afghanistan.

Smith said: “UNFPA is supporting more than 700 health facilities across Afghanistan that are reaching around 700,000 people every month.

“While that is undeniably saving thousands of lives, it is nowhere near what is needed to ensure that every Afghan woman and girl receives essential reproductive health services, including psychosocial support to help them cope and rebuild their lives,” he said.

UNFPA is actively assisting in a number of areas across the country. Along with partners, the agency has set up a mobile health clinic at Torkham reception center in Nangarhar to help care for Afghan migrants returning from Pakistan.

In addition to this, UNFPA is assisting victims of the October earthquakes in Herat province.

Immediately after the first earthquake, UNFPA set up medical tents to provide immediate maternal health and psychosocial support on the ground. Today, these tents have been replaced with a fully equipped emergency maternity unit providing normal and Caesarean-section delivery services, as well as counselling and mental health support for women and girls.

“Many of those affected, including pregnant women, have physical injuries from the earthquakes. Beyond the physical scars, there are a lot of mental wounds. Many, sadly, are feeling desperate and suicidal. These women and girls are suffering – they are suffering because they have lost their families, they have lost their homes, they have lost their livelihoods – and they are in dire need of psychosocial support to help them cope and to help them rebuild,” said Smith.

In response the Islamic Emirate says the concerns about the violation of rights of women and girls are unfounded and emphasizes that the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan have been secured more than ever before.

However, in a new report, the Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan is concerned about the situation of women in the country and said that during a survey conducted from August to October of this year, the restrictions imposed on girls and women, immigration and climate change has had a negative impact on women’s health and personal and social life.

UNAMA has asked the international community to facilitate direct dialogue between Afghan women and the authorities of the Islamic Emirate.

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China, Tajikistan call for inclusive government in Afghanistan

The joint statement was issued during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Tajikistan after attending a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.



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China and Tajikistan on Friday expressed their support in a joint statement for establishing an inclusive government with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious and political groups in Afghanistan.

According to the joint statement, the two sides reaffirmed that an independent, neutral, united, inclusive and peaceful Afghanistan, which is free from terrorism, war and drugs and lives in peace and harmony with all of its neighbors, is in the common interests of the Afghan people and all countries in the region.

The joint statement was issued during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Tajikistan after attending a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.

The summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in a statement had also called for establishing an inclusive government in Afghanistan.

The Islamic Emirate, however, considers countries’ call for an inclusive government “unwarranted and futile,” reiterating that it is an internal matter.


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Security ensured across Badakhshan province: Kamgar

We guarantee 100 percent that no country will face any problem from the soil of Afghanistan, especially Badakhshan province, said Kamgar.



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Badakhshan’s police spokesman Ehsanullah Kamgar says security is ensured across this province and no one or any group is allowed to threaten the neighboring countries from the borders of the province.

“We guarantee 100 percent that no country will face any problem from the soil of Afghanistan, especially Badakhshan province,” said Kamgar.

Local officials of Badakhshan also said that no terrorist group is active in this province, and the border forces are taking full measures by increasing security measures in the borders of this province and will not allow any group to operate.

“The situation is very good here, Daesh doesn’t exist in Badakhshan, here is no resistance, here is no any terrorist group. Security is 100 percent ensured here, our borders are protected,” said Aminullah Tayeb, the deputy governor of Badakhshan.

“The Islamic Emirate does not allow anyone to make any moves to the neighboring countries and disturb their security,” Tayeb stressed.

Meanwhile, Badakhshan shares more than a thousand kilometers of border with Tajikistan, Pakistan and China.

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GIZ restructures its operations in Afghanistan

GIZ has been operating in Afghanistan since 2002, contributing to sectors such as healthcare, education, and basic services.



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The German development organization (GIZ), in a statement announced restructuring its operations in Afghanistan, GIZ announced that it will implement projects exclusively through non-governmental organizations (NGOs). While existing and commissioned projects will continue, GIZ emphasized that starting in 2025, it will no longer employ its own national staff in Afghanistan.

The organization stated that, since August 2021 the situation for many people in Afghanistan has changed drastically and the population is facing hunger and poverty.

“People need support to cover their most basic needs,” the statement read.

The statement further stated that, its efforts in Afghanistan will focus on supporting the local population with essential services. “This includes improving self-sufficiency in poorer urban and rural communities, training midwives and women health professionals, and supporting women entrepreneurs and women-led organizations.”

GIZ has been operating in Afghanistan since 2002, contributing to sectors such as healthcare, education, and basic services.


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