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EU, US condemn IEA’s decision barring females from working in NGOs



The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has ordered all national and international NGOs to stop their female employees from working, citing "serious complaints" about their dress code.

The order, issued by the Ministry of Economy, threatened to suspend the operating licences of NGOs that failed to implement the directive.

"There have been serious complaints regarding the non-observance of the Islamic hijab and other rules and regulations pertaining to the work of females in national and international organisations," said a statement sent to all NGOs.

"The ministry of economy... instructs all organisations to stop females from working until further notice," the statement said.

"In case of ignoring the directive, the license of the organisation which has been issued by this ministry, will be cancelled," it added.

The latest restriction comes less than a week after the IEA authorities suspended university education for women, prompting global outrage and protests.

The EU strongly condemned the IEA's ban on women working for NGOs in Afghanistan and said it was assessing the impact on its aid to the country.

"We are assessing the situation and the impact it will have on our aid on the ground," an EU spokesperson told AFP in a statement.

The EU is a major supporter of aid organisations that work in Afghanistan. However it does not recognize IEA as the country's official government.

EU foreign policy chief's spokeswoman Nabila Massrali said: "Our foremost concern will continue to be the welfare, rights, and freedoms of the people of Afghanistan."

She said the ban on women working for NGOs "is another harsh restriction on the ability of women in Afghanistan to exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms and a clear breach of humanitarian principles".

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also warned that an IEA order for women to be barred from working for NGOs would disrupt aid delivery and could be "devastating" for Afghanistan.

"Deeply concerned that the Taliban's (IEA) ban on women delivering humanitarian aid in Afghanistan will disrupt vital and life-saving assistance to millions," Blinken tweeted.

"This decision could be devastating for the Afghan people."

Dozens of national and international NGOs continue to work in several sectors across remote areas of Afghanistan, and many of their employees are women.

It was not immediately clear whether the order applied to United Nations agencies, which have a large presence in Afghanistan and often deal with NGOs registered there to carry out their humanitarian work.

Economy Ministry's spokesperson, Abdulrahman Habib, said the letter, banning women's work, applied to organisations under Afghanistan's coordinating body for humanitarian organisations, known as ACBAR. That body does not include the UN, but includes over 180 local and international NGOs.

Top officials from the United Nations and dozens of NGOs operating in Afghanistan are meeting in Kabul Sunday to discuss the way ahead after the IEA authorities ordered all NGOs to stop women employees from working, aid officials said.

"A meeting of Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) is scheduled later today to consult and discuss how to tackle this issue," Tapiwa Gomo, public information officer for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told AFP.

The HCT comprises top UN officials and representatives of dozens of Afghan and international NGOs who coordinate distribution of aid across the country.

The meeting will discuss whether to suspend all aid work following the latest IEA directive, some NGO officials said.

The United Nations, which said it would seek an explanation from the IEA about the order, condemned the ministry's directive.

The ban comes at a time when millions across the country depend on humanitarian aid provided by international donors through a vast network of NGOs.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, at an event in Kabul under the title of “Waiver of Tax Penalties, Supporting Industry and Trade”, said that IEA considers itself responsible towards the people of the country.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is responsible towards the people including businessmen and industrialists, so it is necessary to provide them with facilities in every area and protect their property and dignity,” Baradar said.

Speaking in the event, Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi said that the government is responsible for the health, economy, education and other legal rights of the citizens.

“When we call ourselves rulers, then we are also responsible for the health, economy, education and other rights of the people. We made a lot of efforts to establish the Islamic system. Many problems have been solved and many more problems remain for which we must soon find solutions,” Muttaqi said.

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WFP delivers life-saving food to nearly 250,000 in Afghanistan



The World Food Programme (WFP) has announced in a report that the organization was able to reach nearly 250,000 food-insecure people across Afghanistan with the assistance from China in the past few months.

The report said WFP was able to procure more than 2,000 metric tons of food, including fortified wheat flour and fortified vegetable oil, yellow split peas and salt which was distributed to more than 35,000 families or nearly 250,000 people across the country.

“Entire communities across Afghanistan experience despair and hunger,” said Ma Chen Guang, Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan, at a ceremony in Kabul on Thursday."

“China will continue to work with the World Food Programme to provide food assistance to hungry Afghan families in need of assistance for survival.”

The report stated: “The contribution from China came at a critical moment when a massive funding shortfall put at risk WFP’s work in Afghanistan. Last year, WFP had to cut 10 million people from assistance and this summer, due to the ongoing funding crisis, 11 million people did not receive emergency food assistance.

“This included more than 2 million mothers and their children who received no specialized supplementary food to combat malnutrition.”

“Afghanistan remains a global hunger hotspot and more than three-quarters of all people across the country cannot afford a nutritious diet that keeps them from falling into malnutrition,” said Hsiao-Wei Lee, Country Director of WFP Afghanistan.
“Families across the country need continued emergency food assistance to get through the winter months.”

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UK, Qatari officials discuss Afghanistan



Qatar’s Minister of State for International Cooperation, Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater, met Tuesday with Director for Pakistan and Afghanistan at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Andrew McCoubrey, on the sidelines of the World Humanitarian Forum in London.

During the meeting, they detailed cooperation relations between the two countries and ways to boost them and discussed the humanitarian and development conditions in Afghanistan, especially in the fields of health and education, Qatar’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

They also exchanged views on joint cooperation in humanitarian and development projects in Afghanistan, according to the statement.

Meanwhile, Suhail Shaheen, head of the Islamic Emirate's political office in Qatar, has met with the Turkish ambassador to Doha to discuss bilateral relations between Afghanistan and Turkey.

Shaheen said on X that the meeting also discussed education, health, agriculture and investment opportunities in Afghanistan.

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IEA appoints delegation to probe reports of massacre on Iran-Pakistan border



The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has appointed a delegation to investigate reports of Afghans being killed on the Iran-Pakistan border.

Hamdullah Fitrat, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, said the delegation is headed by Mullah Mohammad Ibrahim Sadr, the deputy interior minister for security.

He said the delegation has been tasked to investigate the matter thoroughly and comprehensively and submit its report to the prime minister's office and receive necessary instructions for further action.

Fitrat added that the delegation began its work on Wednesday and is trying to find out the truth as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, an Iranian-based human rights organization, Haalvsh, claimed Iranian forces had gunned down at least 260 Afghan migrants near the Kalgan Saravan region in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province on Sunday evening.


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