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Afghanistan to export coal to Iran in near future: MoIC



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The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MoIC) says Afghanistan will sign a contract with Iran in order to export coal to the country in the near future.

Speaking in an inclusive interview with ArianaNews, Nooruddin Azizi, MoIC’s minister said that much progress has been made in the negotiations to export coal to Iran and added that they are trying to expand the number of exports so that Afghanistan’s trade balance becomes equal.

“We are in contact with Iran and the country is eager to import coal from Afghanistan,” said Azizi.

“Iran needs this product to melt its iron.”

He also said that all exports of the country, including coal are done in according to the prices of the international market, and that there is no reason to worry in this regard.

MoIC’s minister meanwhile has called on the Afghan businessmen who have invested billions of dollars abroad to return their money to Afghanistan and contribute to the development of the country.

According to him, more than 100 foreign companies and 6,000 Afghan companies have received permits for investment and economic activity in Afghanistan.

MoIC has also stated that the banking problems for investment and economic activities have been resolved and that all investors can withdraw 25 percent of the total money in their bank account to receive basic goods.

The officials of MoIC have emphasized that in order to support domestic production, they have provided the opportunity for producers to participate in international exhibitions.

On the other hand, it has also said that women play a constructive role in the economic activities of the country and can advance their economic activities in the country.

In addition, the commerce ministry has also stated that in the near future it will export a shipment of pomegranates along with other fresh and dry fruits to China.

“We dispatched one and two cargos to Kazakhstan and Russia and we want to export Afghanistan’s pomegranate to China in the near future as well,” Azizi added.

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IEA sets up High Commission for Counter-Narcotics



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Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the Deputy Prime Minister for Political Affairs, said in a meeting on the occasion of the High Commission for Counter-Narcotics opening that the Islamic Emirate has been successful in the fight against narcotics.

However, Kabir has considered providing alternative crops to farmers as one of the international community’s responsibilities.

“The Islamic Emirate does not allow anyone to use Afghanistan’s soil against anyone. It does not allow anyone to use Afghanistan for smuggling or international crimes,” said Kabir.

In this area, the cooperation of countries in the region and the world is important. We must focus on the way that the countries of the region and the world avoid the harm of drugs,” he added.

Acting Ministers of Interior Affairs Sirajuddin Haqqani and National Defense Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid also said in this meeting that the Islamic Emirate is committed to a serious fight against drugs.

They have emphasized that in the last three years, nearly 80,000 operations have been carried out in this area and more than 20,000 smugglers have been arrested.

“Today, the Islamic Emirate has progressed in countering narcotics, but the world is largely silent for this issue and does not fulfill its responsibility. We want them to fulfill their responsibility,” said Yaqoob Mujahid.

“The international community should help the Islamic Emirate in the field of alternative livelihoods,” said Haqqani.

Acting Foreign Minster Amir Khan Muttaqi also said that the creation of this commission and the serious fight against drugs can provide the basis for the expansion of world relations with the current system.

This commission has the task of coordinating the fight against drugs and providing facilities to farmers in the field of alternative cultivation, and about 27 government departments are members of this commission.

Meanwhile, a number of other participants stressed that this year’s rains and floods have damaged Afghanistan’s agriculture sector and asked the international community to cooperate with the people of Afghanistan in this sector.

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Kremlin says it is very important for Afghanistan’s neighbors to build ties with IEA

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this after Kyrgyzstan removed IEA from its list of banned organizations



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The Kremlin has said that it is very important for the neighbors of Afghanistan to build relationships with the Islamic Emirate.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said this after Kyrgyzstan removed IEA from its list of banned organizations

«Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan share a close geographical proximity, and with the Taliban (IEA) now serving as the de facto government in Kabul, Russia understands Kyrgyzstan’s decision to remove the Taliban (IEA) from its list of terrorist organizations,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said during a briefing, reported citing TASS news agency.

He explained that establishing connections with the authorities in Kabul is essential for regional stability.

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UN Security Council condemns IEA’s morality law

UN Security Council members urged the IEA to swiftly reverse all the policies and practices that restrict women and girls of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.



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The UN Security Council on Friday condemned the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s (IEA) morality law, calling on the international community to use its influence to push for an immediate reversal of policies that target Afghan women.

Twelve out of 15 UN Security Council members in a statement condemned “in the strongest terms” the IEA’s restrictions on women and girls in Afghanistan. China, Russia and Algeria did not back the statement.

A diplomat has told The National that Russia and China had said it would be “unfair” to make a judgement on an internal Afghan matter.

UN Security Council members urged the IEA to swiftly reverse all the policies and practices that restrict women and girls of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.

“The Taliban (IEA) need to listen and respond to the voices of Afghan women and girls by respecting their rights to education and for women, to work as well as the freedoms of expression and movement,” said Japan’s ambassador to the UN, Yamazaki Kazuyuki, on behalf of the 12 council members.

“It is a prerequisite for a stable, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan.”

The council members further emphasised that the IEA’s actions undermine international efforts to engage with them, citing a meeting with UN special envoys in Doha two months ago.

This comes as the IEA has said that laws are made according to the Islamic rules, which should be respected.

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