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Afghan leader proposes peace road map in three phases-document



Afghan President Ashraf Ghani will put forward a three-phase peace roadmap for Afghanistan during a proposed meeting in Turkey, seeking an agreement with the Taliban and a ceasefire before elections, a document seen by Reuters shows.

Washington is pushing for a conference to be hosted by Turkey, with U.N. involvement, this month to finalise a peace deal between the government and the Taliban as a May 1 deadline looms for the withdrawal of all foreign troops.

Ghani’s plan will be presented as a counter to proposals put forward by Washington, rejected by the Afghan government, that envisage immediately drawing up a new legal system for an interim administration to include Taliban representatives.

The document shows Ghani’s “Reaching an Endstate” proposal will include, in the first phase, a consensus on a political settlement and an internationally monitored ceasefire.

The second phase will be holding a presidential election and the establishment of a “government of peace” and implementation arrangements for moving towards the new political system.

The third phase will involve building a “constitutional framework, reintegration of refugees and development” for Afghanistan moving forward.

A senior government official said Ghani has already shared his road map with foreign capitals.

A date for the Turkey meeting is yet to be decided, but multiple sources told Reuters it could take place in two weeks’ time.

The Afghan government and a number of politicians said they would have to agree on an agenda with the Taliban before the meeting.

In a statement last month, the Taliban threatened to resume hostilities against foreign troops in Afghanistan if they did not meet the May 1 deadline envisaged in an agreement between the insurgents and the Trump administration last year.

U.S. President Joe Biden said this month it would be “hard” to withdraw the last U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 1 “just in terms of tactical reasons”, but he said he did not think they still would be there next year.

A senior government official said the Taliban was willing to extend the May 1 dateline and would not resume attacks against foreign forces in exchange for the release of thousands of their prisoners held by the Kabul authorities.

Mohammad Naeem, a Taliban spokesman in Qatar, said no such offer had been made.

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WFP delivers life-saving food to nearly 250,000 in Afghanistan



The World Food Programme (WFP) has announced in a report that the organization was able to reach nearly 250,000 food-insecure people across Afghanistan with the assistance from China in the past few months.

The report said WFP was able to procure more than 2,000 metric tons of food, including fortified wheat flour and fortified vegetable oil, yellow split peas and salt which was distributed to more than 35,000 families or nearly 250,000 people across the country.

“Entire communities across Afghanistan experience despair and hunger,” said Ma Chen Guang, Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan, at a ceremony in Kabul on Thursday."

“China will continue to work with the World Food Programme to provide food assistance to hungry Afghan families in need of assistance for survival.”

The report stated: “The contribution from China came at a critical moment when a massive funding shortfall put at risk WFP’s work in Afghanistan. Last year, WFP had to cut 10 million people from assistance and this summer, due to the ongoing funding crisis, 11 million people did not receive emergency food assistance.

“This included more than 2 million mothers and their children who received no specialized supplementary food to combat malnutrition.”

“Afghanistan remains a global hunger hotspot and more than three-quarters of all people across the country cannot afford a nutritious diet that keeps them from falling into malnutrition,” said Hsiao-Wei Lee, Country Director of WFP Afghanistan.
“Families across the country need continued emergency food assistance to get through the winter months.”

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UK, Qatari officials discuss Afghanistan



Qatar’s Minister of State for International Cooperation, Lolwah bint Rashid Al Khater, met Tuesday with Director for Pakistan and Afghanistan at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Andrew McCoubrey, on the sidelines of the World Humanitarian Forum in London.

During the meeting, they detailed cooperation relations between the two countries and ways to boost them and discussed the humanitarian and development conditions in Afghanistan, especially in the fields of health and education, Qatar’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

They also exchanged views on joint cooperation in humanitarian and development projects in Afghanistan, according to the statement.

Meanwhile, Suhail Shaheen, head of the Islamic Emirate's political office in Qatar, has met with the Turkish ambassador to Doha to discuss bilateral relations between Afghanistan and Turkey.

Shaheen said on X that the meeting also discussed education, health, agriculture and investment opportunities in Afghanistan.

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IEA appoints delegation to probe reports of massacre on Iran-Pakistan border



The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) has appointed a delegation to investigate reports of Afghans being killed on the Iran-Pakistan border.

Hamdullah Fitrat, deputy spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, said the delegation is headed by Mullah Mohammad Ibrahim Sadr, the deputy interior minister for security.

He said the delegation has been tasked to investigate the matter thoroughly and comprehensively and submit its report to the prime minister's office and receive necessary instructions for further action.

Fitrat added that the delegation began its work on Wednesday and is trying to find out the truth as soon as possible.

On Tuesday, an Iranian-based human rights organization, Haalvsh, claimed Iranian forces had gunned down at least 260 Afghan migrants near the Kalgan Saravan region in Iran's Sistan and Baluchestan province on Sunday evening.


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