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Seven Districts of Badakhshan Face Serious Security Threats



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Local officials in Badakhshan province have stated that seven districts of Badakhshan are being threatened by vast numbers of terrorists from Al-Qaida, Taliban and other terrorist networks, and they have gathered to take over more secure districts of Badakhshan.

Local officials have also stated that local police forces lack of military equipment and uniforms.

During the past three years Badakhshan province has been a center of conflict between Afghan Security Forces and insurgents.

Gul Mohammad Baidar, the Deputy Governor of Badakhshan province, stated that 1750 terrorists are active and approximately 400 of the terrorists are coming from foreign countries.

Deputy Governor Baidar said, “Seven districts are being threatened by the vast numbers of the terrorists, they have gathered to raid other districts of Badakhshan province; one of the major factors of the coming terrorists in Badakhshan is our open border where they can come at anytime and then go back.”

Local officials in Badakhshan also expressed concern about the lack of the military equipment and uniforms for the Afghan security forces.

Noorullah, the Administrative Manger for Kofaab District said, “Those who have come to protect their country should be equipped, uniformed and privileged.”

Officials in Ministry of Defense contested the claim that the security forces based in Badakshan province lack the proper equipment.

Ministry of Defense Spokesman Dawlat Waziri said, “We have deployed scores of logistical convoys to different provinces to provide weapons, uniforms, and transportation.”

The lack of military equipment and supplies for Afghan security forces in remote provinces has always been an issue. Earlier, Afghan security forces had complained over lack of equipment in Helmand war.

Reported by Zahir Qadiri


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