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3 days after fall of Kundoz, still Afghan forces fail to recapture province



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Three days passed since the collapse of the northern Kundoz province but still the Afghan security forces fail to defeat Taliban and retake the control of the province.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) says that while airstrikes are underway in Kundoz, a widespread ground operation soon to be launched for wiping out the terrorists.

The loss of the major city of Kunduz to the Taliban is a stunning reversal for the Afghan government, deepening worries about the ability of its security forces to take the fight to the Islamic militants.

Afghan officials vowed to quickly drive the Taliban back out again from the northern provincial capital where the insurgents freed hundreds of inmates from a prison and raised their white flag at points around town.

After the fall of Kundoz province into Taliban’s hands, the group started to inspect each house and anyone who is a suspect for them or is a government employee will be taken to their field trial.

The Taliban has captured the northern Afghan city of Kunduz on Monday, marking the first time the militant group has seized a major city since 2001.

Meanwhile, Afghan military analysts say that the security forces should siege the province and kill the terrorist all.

“The fifth column within the system prevents operations conducting in Kundoz that are still activating,” Jawid Kuhistani, military analyst said.

Atiqullah Amar Khail, another military analyst said, “Afghan security forces should surround the Kundoz province and after launching a ground operation clears out the province.”

It has been said that the armed Taliban group has stolen banks and were taken all equipments of Afghan security forces.

Kunduz’s fall is a major setback to Ashraf Ghani, who assumed the Afghan presidency exactly a year ago





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