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250 health care students graduate in Nimroz province

Almost 250 young men and women graduated from a private health care institute in Nimroz province after studying midwifery, nursing or pharmacy.
The graduates all received their diplomas on Monday, and according to officials from the institute, the students could possibly be employed by Nimroz public health department.
Officials said health care centers in the city and districts of Nimroz province need more staff.
“We had almost 250 graduates, most of whom are women, and we had graduates in seven departments, which included midwifery, nursing, pharmacy, dental and laboratory,” said Juma Khan Nisar, head of the health institute in Nimroz.
Graduates meanwhile pointed out that health care centers and clinics in the province are seriously short-staffed and have requested that employment opportunities are made available for them.
“Today, I am very happy that I received my diploma, and my request to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is to provide a work environment for us,” said Fatima, a graduate.
The Directorate of Public Health of Nimroz said that in the current situation, educated youths could provide good services to the people.