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150 pilgrims lost their life in Mina



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150 pilgrims have lost their life in Mina while performing their Haji obligatory.

Official sources in Saudi Arabia has confirmed the incident saying hundreds of pilgrims have lost their life when pilgrims crowded.

The death toll of the pilgrims is in rise and there is no exact number of the death bodies.

Hundred thousand pilgrims have come to Saudi Arabia to perform the Haji obligations and become Haji around the world.

Thursday is matched with first day of Eid Qurban where all Hajis willing to perform this big part of their ceremony in Mina.

This is the second bloodiest incident is taken place in Saudi Arabia,in the first incident more than 100 pilgrims have lost their life when heavy storm and rain hit a crane and has fallen down on the pilgrims performing their paryers in Mecca yard on 11th of sep 2015.


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