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Kabir urges Panjshiris to encourage their sons in exile to return home



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Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister, urged Panjshir residents to encourage their sons living in neighboring countries to return home as the Islamic Emirate has no enmity with anyone.

At a gathering in Panjshir, attended by senior IEA officials, Kabir said that there is currently no space for ethnic and linguistic discrimination as well as hypocrisy in Afghanistan.

He stressed that all Afghans should work together for the construction, development and prosperity of the country.

According to him, IEA’s political and commercial relations with the world are secure and the government is committed to the development and reconstruction of Afghanistan and is doing its best to gain self-sufficiency.

At this gathering, the IEA’s minister of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Mohammad Khalid Hanafi, said that illegal acts in the country have reached zero and that Daesh does not exist in the country. He also said the people of Panjshir will not be deceived by biased people.

“Currently, there is no corruptor and there is no Daesh fighter in Afghanistan, and no one can provide proof [of their existence]. We are one nation. Our religion and beliefs are one,” said Hanafi.

Some residents of Panjshir also said that they support the Islamic Emirate and will share their challenges with the authorities.

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Panjshir Parande power dam work completed by 98%



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Panjshir local officials say the construction of Parande power dam has progressed by 98 percent and will be completed and put into operation soon.

Panjshir governor Mohammad Agha Hakim stated that the work of this dam with the capacity to produce four megawatts of electricity will be completed in the near future.

Agha Hakim added the construction work of this dam will cost more than seven million dollars and all its costs will be paid from the budget of the Islamic Emirate.

“The total cost of Parande power dam project is 7.6 million dollars, of which 7 million has been paid and 0.6 million is left, which will be paid after the completion of the work,” he added.

“Afghans have many problems; they have a lot of needs. One of their problems is the lack of electricity in villages and markets,” he added. “The Islamic Emirate pays special attention to providing its people with domestic electricity.”

Panjshir residents, meanwhile, said that the construction of this dam was important to solve lack of the electricity and they added that with the completion of this project, the electricity problems of the people of Panjshir will be completely resolved.

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Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to supply electricity to Pakistan via Afghanistan next year



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The Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan plans to start electricity exports through Afghanistan to Pakistan under the CASA-1000 project next year.

The $1.2bn CASA-1000 regional power project is designed to interconnect the power grids of the four participating countries, allowing for hydro power-generated electricity to be exported from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Based on Kyrgyzstan’s plan, about 1.25 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity will be exported to South Asia during the summer of next year.

Exports will increase to 1.7 billion kilowatt-hours in 2026 and to 1.75 kilowatt-hours in 2028.

Earlier this year, Kyrgyzstan signed a joint declaration with Pakistan and Tajikistan to resume the CASA-1000 project.

The World Bank has also announced that it has agreed to resume the project.

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Twenty dead after boat sinks in Nangarhar river



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Twenty people died after a boat sank in a river in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province on Saturday, officials said.

The incident happened at 7:30 am on Saturday in Basol area of ​​Mohmand Dara district, the provincial department of information and culture said.

This boat was carrying 25 people, including women and children, 20 of whom died and five others were rescued.

According to officials, the bodies of five people have been found so far and the search for other bodies continues.

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