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24 Afghan Forces Including 10 Commandos Killed in Farah, Local Officials



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24 Afghan defense and security forces including 10 commandos or special operation forces were killed after militants attacked their outposts in the western Farah province , said local officials.

Farid Bakhtawar, the provincial council chief told Ariana News that the attack was carried out by militants against Afghan forces overnight in Farahroad area of Balabuluk district.

According to him, 10 Afghan special operation forces and eight policemen were killed in the attack and three others have been abducted by the militants.

Meanwhile, six other policemen have been reportedly killed by Taliban in the capital city of the province.

While the Ministry of Interior did’t comment regarding these casualties but the Ministry of Defense confirmed the dead of four soldiers in the province.

However officials of Afghan Special Forces Unit confirmed that 10 commandos lost their lives in recent Taliban ambush and four commandos killed two days ago in Taliban attacks.

The Special Forces Unit further noted that as the aerial support and reinforcement were not made on time the commandos suffered such high fatalities.

Some members of Farah’s provincial council see poor military leadership as the main motive of such huge looses among Afghan security and defense forces.

Farah, in the western part of the country, has witnessed a surge of militants in recent months and local security forces have repeatedly asked for deployment of more security and defense forces to the province.

Around 20 security forces were also killed in a Taliban attack which was carried out in the same province earlier this month.

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Ex-Iranian FM says US lobbied for a ‘good Taliban govt’ at 2001 Bonn Conference



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Iran’s former foreign minister Mohammad Jawad Zarif says that at the Bonn conference, the United States planned to establish a “good Taliban government” in Afghanistan, but Europe had tried to establish a monarchy in this country.

Speaking in an interview, Zarif said that Iran met its demands at the Bonn conference and played an important role in the formation of the former government of Afghanistan.

In this interview about Iran’s fight against terrorist groups, Zarif added that accepting terrorist groups in neighboring countries is a violation of the principle of good neighborliness.

He said Tehran had maximum diplomatic coordination with the Americans at the Bonn conference.

The Bonn Conference was held in Bonn, Germany in December 2001 to establish a new government in Afghanistan and prevent chaos after the overthrow of the previous government of the Islamic Emirate.

On December 13, 2001, after 9 days of discussion, a two-stage agreement was signed between the participants, which laid the foundation for the establishment of a new system that would become the republic government.

This government however ruled for 20 years but collapsed in August 2021 and the Islamic Emirate regained control of Afghanistan.

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Polio vaccination campaign kicks off across Afghanistan



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The Polio Free Afghanistan organization announced Sunday in a post on X that a polio vaccination campaign will begin Monday and be carried out across Afghanistan.

The organization stated that the campaign will target children under the age of five.

The organization, however, has not specified how long the campaign will run for.

The last polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan was launched on April 30 of this year, during which about 10 million children under five were vaccinated.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported two positive cases of polio in Kunar and Nuristan provinces this year.

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Over 560 emerald mining permits issued in Panjshir



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Mohammad Qasim Amiri, the director of mines and petroleum of Panjshir, has announced that following the takeover of the Islamic Emirate, illegal extraction and smuggling of minerals in the province has ended and more than 560 emerald mining permits have been issued so far.

In a meeting with the Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum, Amiri stated that more than 10,000 Panjshiris have been provided with job opportunities.

Based on a statement from the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, Amiri requested the ministry to send technical teams to survey mineral deposits in Panjshir province and to issue permits to mine rubies.

In the meeting, Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum Shahabuddin Delawar, stressed the need to prioritize job creation opportunities for the people of Panjshir when issuing permits for both emerald and ruby extractions.

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